Sandra Sabatini
I have published three books and a CD where I have tried to set out my philosophy and approach to yoga. Breath: The Essence of Yoga was published in 2000 by HarperCollins and a new revised edition has now been published by Pinter & Martin. It is available on Amazon.There is also an Audio CD - The Breath Sessions: An Invitation To Breathe - just published. It is based on the book and my workshops so that you can practice yoga with me at your own pace.

My other book: Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer; Yoga Through The Seasons co-authored with Silvia Mori focuses on the special quality of each season : the withdrawal of energy in autumn, the silent stillness of winter, the push to emerge and grow in spring and the expansive exuberance of summer.This book offers a series of simple positions for experiment and play according to each season. To purchase it on Amazon click here. My thanks to my publishers Pinter & Martin for making all these publications possible.

The Whole Body Breathing offers clear practice. The simplicity of this practice will have a profound effect on your whole body, and will guide you in the gradual discovery of the vitality of your spine. Following in the footsteps of Vanda Scaravelli's teaching, where awareness, breath and freedom are the essential elements. The book stimulates and supports yoga students and teachers alike in the lifelong yoga journey, with joy and playfulness.
Like a flower, is about my encounters and training under the guidance of Vanda Scaravelli . All the flowers photos in the book were taken by David Darom.

An Audio CD with some suggestions and guidance to introduce the smiling breath in your daily life. A Journey where the breath takes you by the hand and leads you to the discovery of the inner smile. To purcahse this CD contact me by E-mail: sabatinisandra0@gmail.com

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